✦ Welcome to [www.tofokyo.com] ✦ New episode of Kero Kero Groove now available! Head over to the movies page to check it out ✦ I pray to god you guys have working Air Conditioning ✦ Don't mind the sparkles, it might make stuff harder to click but in return you get a cool effect :J ✦ Oh yeah if it wasn't apparent already, this website was made for 1080p screens (how ironic) ✦ Don't tell me what to do! ✦
Challenge Everything

@Sinranx |


This is from Sen's ongoing "moot or treat," and let me say I feel bad for that boy orz Both him and Josh drawing a character a day- but hey, that's just par for the kours I guess! This drawing is a particular favorite of mine, despite it being pretty new- something I just noticed is that she's got nails in her hair, so that alone kicks it up even more points for me. I really like that in this drawing she's gone full on slasher module, blood, fangs, and all- and the outfit too! It's hard to put into words why I like this piece so much man! I just do! ^__^"

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All music is now managed through the webamp plugin. The songs might need a sec to load, so if they don't have a duration listed just wait a few minutes and refresh the page. Playlist containing all the songs can be found here.

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Five most recent songs in my listening rotation, should be live but could take some time to update.

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